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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tire Swing and Other Pictures

I decided I should upload some more pictures since I have awesome internet now.
Here is my outhouse. I think it's rather cute. My host mom was worried when she saw me taking this picture. She asked me if I thought it was a bad outhouse, I responded that I like it, which is the truth.
 Yesterday I was hanging out with two of my host nieces and one of my host nephews. They found some rope and were going to make a climbing rope using the tree, but then I found this tire so we made a tire swing. It's a big hit.
 Here is a picture of my host nieces and nephew sitting on a bed spring eating ice cream. The ice cream they're eating cost only 5 com (10 cents). I haven't tried it yet because it doesn't come in a package, it just has a sticker on the top part of the ice cream. Apparently it's not too uncommon to get sick after eating it. The bed spring they're sitting on is often used as a trampoline by the kids.
 This is the view from the toilet of my house and the backyard. You can see my host niece swinging on the tire swing under the tree on the left. 


  1. Nice swing Sean and thanks for posting the pictures.

    Love you,

  2. Hello Sean,

    I'm Yuko from Japan. I will work in Kyrgyzstan starting from early next year as JOCV (similar program as Peace Corps). I wanted to gather some information about the country and found your blog! enjoyed reading it!

    Thank you,

    1. Hello Yuko!
      I know a few JICA volunteers serving here in Kyrgyzstan, they are all great people. I'm excited for you to start your service soon, good luck with your trainings. Let me know if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.

  3. Hi Sean,

    I'm surprised that you know some JOCVs;) That's great!
    I don't have any questions at the moment but I'll def have some as time gets closer. Can I get your email or facebook?
    Thank you in advance for your kindness.

